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Sociable! by Shane Gibson and Stephen Jagger

by | Jan 28, 2010 | Events

This morning Crissy and I attended the Board of Trade Breakfast and the Manager’s Toolbox presentation by Shane Gibson and Stephen Jagger, authors of Sociable: How Social Media Is Turning Sales and Marketing Upside-Down.

Check out the First Chapter (PDF).

In their introduction Gibson and Jagger stressed that they are not social media experts, social media enthusiasts maybe. Why the strong opposition? Because they recognize that there are no more marketing gurus, only customers with megaphones.

Stephen Jagger and Shane Gibson on Sociable! book at Vanvouver Board of Trade

There were a couple of other great quotes throughout the morning (none credited so if you know the source, let me know).

“If you think you’re a leader and no one is following you—you’re actually just going for a walk.”

“Social media is not a video game. It’s not about the number of followers, it’s about the quality of those followers.”

“Common sense is uncommon.”

“It’s not about the tools, it’s about the rules (of engagement).”

Both Shane and Stephen quips can be followed on twitter.

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