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Vancity’s ChangeEverything Profiled in TechCrunch

by | Sep 7, 2006 | Online Communities

Congratulations to Vancity, the folks involved with the ChangeEverything campaign, and Social Signal for a great write up of their project in TechCrunch this morning. is a Canadian 43Things clone that will launch this month and is provided by the largest credit union in the country. Sixty year old Vancity credit union won’t be monetizing ChangeEverything, but using it as a branded promotion for its financial services along with other long running community building efforts.

I was lucky enough to be invited to participate in the ChangeEverything site a few weeks ago as an early member, so I’m familiar with the project and feel like I have something invested in it (my modest contributions), which is how the site is designed to work.

Kudos to Vancity for taking the risk and opening themselves up to the bottom-up world of online community participation. Leadership is something you do, not something you talk about doing.

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