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Change Everything starts with small steps close to home

by | Nov 30, 2006 | Online Communities

Congratulations to Kate and the team at Change Everything for the fine mention of their efforts to help the homeless with toques and warm clothes in the Globe and Mail.

The harsh winter weather has also brought an outpouring of support for those who live on the streets.

It took Kate Dugas only 24 hours on her weblog to organize a drive for clothing for the homeless. The site, launched by VanCity Credit Union, is called

Ms. Dugas, the online moderator, posted a blog at noon Monday saying she was working from home after the snowstorm. She felt lucky to have a home and she was wondering how the shelters in the city were coping. She called a women’s shelter in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside neighbourhood. From the sound of things, they could really use some help, she wrote. The shelter was looking for hats, gloves, sweaters and blankets.

Ms. Dugas wrote that she would pick up clothing and deliver it to the shelter if a business could lend her a suitable vehicle. Within an hour, she started receiving responses. Someone wrote that she had a few scarves and a blanket that she would happily donate if Ms. Dugas would pick it up. The postings continued throughout the day.

By noon yesterday, Ms. Dugas had arranged to borrow a vehicle and found others who wanted to help her collect clothing from 10 different locations. She expected to drop off the donations at the shelter last night, Ms. Dugas said in an interview.

Inspired by their efforts, I made a less-epic donation of toques and warm clothes on Tuesday night, including the warmest wool overalls I’ve ever owned, gathered from a few friends. If you’d like to contribute some warm clothes and hats, get in touch with me. If there’s demand I’ll make another trip.

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